Thursday, July 23, 2009

God and Guilt

In court, it is said that where there is no evidence or sufficient proof for someone's guilt, he can't be held liable for his alleged wrongdoing. It is so, however, only because we follow the principle of ignorance: "One is innocent unless proven guilty." But we do know that one could be guilty as hell just the same, even if he cannot be judged guilty and penalized for lack of evidence. This applies to the claim that God exists. It does not follow that there is no God simply because there is no evidence or sufficient proof for God's existence. Of course, I do not mean to suggest that I know for sure that He is a spiritual entity. Neither do I think that His being is physical. No one knows for sure what substance God is made of if, indeed, there is an entity that is God. The trouble with the atheists is that they are too strict with their evidential standards when it comes to questioning theism, but they loosen up their requirements when they turn to their atheism. It does not logically follow that there is no God simply because you have no proof for that entity's (granting that He/She/It exists) existence. So, no double standard please.

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